Christmas Tree

A British Swimming Christmas Day

23 Dec 2019

The Christmas period often means lots of time spent with family and friends, eating Christmas dinner, watching festive films or sharing a few mulled wines ahead of the new year. But what would a British Swimming Christmas look like?

We asked Tom Dean, Jessica-Jane Applegate and Ross Haslam what their teammates would be up to if they all got together on December 25.

Here's what they said... 


Who would be up and awake earliest on Christmas morning?

The person up earliest on Christmas would definitely be Tom Derbyshire. He's probably up at 6am sharp on Christmas Day. 

Who would be going back for seconds, thirds and fourths of Christmas dinner?

That's definitely Jimmy (James Guy). He loves it!

Who would be the comedian, reading out all the Christmas cracker jokes?

Reading out all the cracker jokes would probably be Jarv (Callum Jarvis). He loves a pretty awful joke. 

Tom Dean Silver EuroSwim
Tom Dean talks a fantasy Christmas with his swimming teammates

Who would buy the best Christmas present - and who would buy the worst?!

I reckon Siobhan-Marie O'Connor would buy the best Christmas present, and Jimmy would probably give the worst - because I remember what he gave for Secret Santa last year! 

For some reason he bought Kieran Bird, a swimmer at Bath, cans of dog food. He doesn't even have a dog! 

Who would be wearing the best/worst Christmas jumper?

That'd probably be James Wilby. He's probably got a good one and an awful one at the same time. 

Who would be the first to fall asleep in front of the fire? 

That would probably be Georgia Coates. She loves a little nap on the sofa. 


Who would be up and awake earliest on Christmas morning?

Ellie Simmonds would definitely be the first up. She’s so organised and has a fantastic routine - even Christmas couldn’t break it! 

Who would be going back for seconds, thirds and fourths of Christmas dinner?

Without a doubt I would be the one going back for seconds, thirds and fourths at Christmas dinner. The staff were amazed when I checked in an extra suitcase of food when we went on a training camp one year! 

Who would be the comedian, reading out all the Christmas cracker jokes?

The best comedian reading out all the jokes would be team staff member Dave Evitts, he has been my coach on the last few competitions and camps and has a fantastic sense of humour. He’s also great at recognising if anyone is down and cheering them up!

Jessica Jane Applegate London 19
Jessica-Jane Applegate has her say on her para-swimming teammates at Christmas

Who would be wearing the best/worst Christmas jumper? 

The best jumper would have to go to Maisie Summers-Newton. She has great taste and on our last Christmas camp she looked great! 

Who would buy the best Christmas present - and who would buy the worst?!

Rebecca Redfern would buy the best Christmas present because she knows me better than anyone and she’s really thoughtful. 

To be honest I’m not sure I’d want any of the boys to buy me a present - I dread to think what I might end up with.

Who is the biggest film/television buff and would be choosing what you sit down to watch on the box? 

Tom Hamer is definitely the biggest film buff, he watches loads of movies and would probably choose what to watch. 

I don’t really watch much TV so don’t really mind - plus I would have eaten so much I’d be asleep in the chair anyway! 

Who would be the first to fall asleep in front of the fire?

Oh, I’d be sleeping in my food coma  - unless, of course, there were any dogs around!


Who would be up and awake earliest on Christmas morning? 

Robyn Birch would wake up first because she wakes up early on a normal day - never mind when she's waking up to presents!

Who would be the comedian, reading out all the Christmas cracker jokes? 

Noah Williams would be the Christmas clown because that would be no change from him from every other day of the year. 

Who would be wearing the best/worst Christmas jumper? 

I reckon Matty Lee would wear the best Christmas jumper. Tom Daley would possibly wear the worst because it would probably have a bad dad joke on it.

Ross Haslam
Ross Haslam picks out some of his fellow divers and what they'd be like on Christmas Day

Who would buy the best Christmas present - and who would buy the worst?! 

Jack Laugher would buy the best Christmas present, he would really think about the gift he buys. 

But I think James Heatly might be the worst at buying gifts!

Who is the biggest film/television buff and would be choosing what you sit down to watch on the box?

I think Grace Reid could be a good Christmas movie buff and would choose a good film to watch. 

Who would be the first to fall asleep in front of the fire? 

Lois Toulson would be first to fall asleep. I've never met anyone that can fall asleep so easily when travelling.