British Summer Champs

British Summer Championships 2016 Top Club Award

2016 sees the launch of a new Top Club Award for clubs competing at the British Summer Championships. This new award will emphasise the importance of our swimmers being able to produce their peak-performance at the main end of season competitions, when it most matters. 


It is designed to fundamentally recognise the clubs and coaches who are most successful in preparing their athletes to swim at their best at the British Summer Championships. 

The British Summer Championships 2016 Top Club award was awarded to Preston Swimming Club.

Preston was represented by Kathyrn Greenslade, Kyo Tanner, Emily Lawrence, Will Ritchie, Billy Dewhurst, James Parker, Jack Hardman, Kenan Yeung and George Robinson.

Top Club Award Top 10

1. Preston Swimming Club

2. Thanet Swim

3. Maidenhead

4. City of Sheffield

4. Millfield

6. Basildon Phoenix

7. West Lothian

8. Hatfield

9. Royal Wolverhampton School

9. Cockermouth

How the Award is calculated...

The outcome will be based on the cumulative percentage that each club has managed to improve their athlete’s performances at the Championships compared to their entry times (recorded in the Qualification Window). The following conditions will applied:

•     Teams must have a minimum of five eligible athletes competing at the Championships to be eligible for the award.

•     Athlete performances in individual Olympic events only will be included

•     Only times from the athlete’s furthest round at the Championships will be used (final times therefore take precedence over heat times)

Prizes will be awarded to the Top 3 ranking clubs, with the winning team receiving a significant contribution to an overseas team training camp, worth in excess of £5,000.

We will aim to publish the current standings of the top 3 clubs daily after the final session, commencing on Day 3 of competition.

A follow up article on the performances at the Championships, featuring the new ‘Top Club’ award will feature in the Swimming Times this autumn.