Edinburgh Cityscpae

Squad set for Edinburgh camp

11 Jul 2017

Britain’s swimmers will converge on Edinburgh next week for a camp that will enable them to add the finishing touches to their World Championship preparations.

The British Swimming team of 27 will base themselves at the Royal Commonwealth Pool for four days before travelling on to Budapest for the FINA World Championships (23-30 July).

Head Coach Bill Furniss is looking forward to bringing the squad together and re-establishing the team unity and clarity of purpose that has seen the rise of British Swimming on the international stage over the past four years.

“The guys are in a great place to finalise their preparations alongside the coaches and staff they’ll be working with throughout the World Championships,” said Furniss.

WC Team Collage - Swimming Only

"The camp is a vital element in creating the right dynamic and one team approach. It allows us to continue team building while effectively communicating how we want to approach the competition. This ensures every single member of the team is on the same page and creates a strong and cohesive unit ready to face the rest of the world."

- Bill Furniss - Head Coach

“The marathon swimming section of our team will also compete at the World Championships while the pool athletes are on camp and I'm sure we will all be watching with interest and giving our full support."

The team will arrive in Edinburgh within the taper phase of their season; where they reduce the volume and intensity of training to maximise performance when needed the most.

“We will have athletes competing on every day of the World Championships,” said Furniss. “Some will start on day one, some on day eight and some will swim throughout so they’re all at different stages of preparation but all are on their taper.

“Each athlete has their own individualised plan designed to maximise performance on a specific day or days. It’s crucial that our swimmers are physically at their peak on the day of their race and the camp will help us to achieve this.

“It will also provide a valuable opportunity to work with our relays not just in terms of take overs but also in terms of building that trust, togetherness and focus.”

As the excitement builds towards the World Championships, the swimmers will use the RCP from 15 to 18 July. Access to the facility was a key factor in basing the camp in Edinburgh as well as the environment the city offers to the athletes as they prepare for the biggest sporting event of their 2017 calendar.

Furniss explained: “We have fantastic access to a world-class pool and the historic city lends itself to a relaxed, low-key training camp at a very high-pressure time.

“We’re confident this camp will be conducive to finalising preparations and ensuring the nation’s swimmers are at their very peak as they prepare to represent Britain at the World Championships.

“Preparations have gone well and now we’re looking forward to arriving in Edinburgh.”

Fans can follow the action at the World Championships via BBC Sport. For details Click Here

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The British Swimming team will compete at the FINA World Championships from 23-30 July 2017. The team comprises:

Freya Anderson                 Ellesmere College Titans

Charlotte Atkinson           Loughborough University

Georgia Davies                  Loughborough University

Kathleen Dawson             University of Stirling

Nick Grainger                    City of Sheffield Swim Squad

Luke Greenbank                National Centre Loughborough

James Guy                          National Centre Bath

Holly Hibbott                     Stockport Metro

Calum Jarvis                       National Centre Bath

Daniel Jervis                       City of Swansea Aquatics

Max Litchfield                   City of Sheffield Swim Squad

Hannah Miley                    University of Aberdeen

Stephen Milne                   Perth City Swim Club

Ross Murdoch                   University of Stirling

Siobhan-Marie O'Connor               National Centre Bath

Adam Peaty                       National Centre Loughborough

Ben Proud                          Plymouth Leander

Molly Renshaw                 National Centre Loughborough

Rosie Rudin                        City of Sheffield Swim Squad

Duncan Scott                     University of Stirling

Mark Szaranek                  Edinburgh University/Florida

Alys Thomas                      City of Swansea Aquatics

Jocelyn Ulyett                   Loughborough University

Sarah Vasey                       National Centre Loughborough

Chris Walker-Hebborn     National Centre Bath

James Wilby                       National Centre Loughborough

Abbie Wood                       National Centre Loughborough