Swim Wales New

British Swimming mourns loss of Bernice Hooper

25 May 2017

British Swimming offers condolences after the sad passing of Bernice Hooper.

Bernice was very involved in the Welsh Amateur Swimming Association, (now Swim Wales).   She was a teacher, coach, team manager, chaperone.   Her husband, Wilf Hooper who was not only President of the WASA in 1964 but also Hon Sec for many years.

Bernice herself was WASA President in 1961 and served on the then Executive of Welsh swimming for well over 20 years,

Bernice represented WASA on the Commonwealth Games Council and I believe was at one time highly placed in the organisation

Bernice was very involved in Schools swimming for many years and Chairman of Welsh Schools Swimming Association from 1970 -72.

She took Welsh swimming teams to the Commonwealth Games in the 1950's and 60's and as a wife and mother assisted with the running of the old Newport Swimming club at Stow Hill Baths before the clubs in Newport merged to form the Newport and Maindee Olympic Swimming and Water Polo Club (now the City of Newport Swimming and Water Polo club). Bernice was President of the Club as well as being a Life Member of Swim Wales.

 Her daughter, who predeceased her was a Welsh International Swimmer in the 1958 and 1962 Commonwealth Games

As a Masters Swimmer , Bernice until she was in her 80s held a number of Welsh Masters Records and still holds records she set in 1999 in the 80-84 age category.

Her funeral will take place on Wednesday 31st May at 2.30  at St Mark's Church, Gold Tops, Newport NP20 4PH