Hannah Russell

British Swimming supports research VI classification

2 Feb 2017

In December, researchers from the IPC Research and Development Centre for the Classification of Athletes with Vision Impairment at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge attended a British Swimming training camp in Manchester.

VI Classification research
The research has been commissioned by the International Federation, World Para Swimming, in order to improve future VI classification. British swimmers underwent a new battery of vision tests designed to capture how different aspects of visual function such as contrast sensitivity, depth perception, sensitivity to bright light, and perception of movement affects their ability to race.

Craig Nicholson, British Swimming’s Performance Pathway Manager said: “It’s encouraging to see the sport take proactive steps to evolve classification for visually impaired swimmers. The tests carried out as part of this research are very interesting because they look to replicate critical elements of swimming performance and how vision affects them. The outcome of this research should allow classification for visually impaired swimmers to become more specific to the sport in the future.”